Local Woman Sets Alarm to Pinpoint Exact Time She Won’t Wake Up
Hopkinton, RI—Betty’s husband of 34 years says, “I don’t know why she even bothers setting her alarm clock. She blows right through that thing every morning. It’s like she’s desensitized to it.” Sean continues saying, “We’ve been married for a long time and to this day I still admire her optimism but, bless her heart, by now she has to know there’s no chance in hell she’s getting out of bed when that thing starts buzzing.” Some scientists believe expecting to wake up when a clock starts making noise is delusional and borderline psychotic. Others believe it’s a byproduct of today’s society that overpromises and underdelivers. Betty thinks that setting her alarm gives her hope to start tomorrow off right, but also noted that it’s very difficult to do after finishing four glasses of wine the night before.